About our events and registration
Each year, SETTCA hold a number of events, research workshops, seminars and briefings, as well as one- or two-day conferences and many private roundtable discussions.
Due to the limited capacity and very high demand we are unable to register everyone for every event. Successful registration for events is confirmed in advance.
Many events are held on-the-record, and SETTCA produces a variety of multimedia, transcripts or meeting summaries from these events.
Appearing in event content
By registering for a event, you confirm that all guests consent to appearing in any official event photographs and video footage.
This footage can be used by the institute for marketing and publicity in our publications, on our website and in social media, or in a third-party publication.
In addition, photography or video footage may be taken by other event attendees and publicly shared without the knowledge of SETTCA, for which the institute cannot be held responsible. Please contact the event organiser if you have any concerns.
Event attendee behaviour
All event attendees, including those participating remotely, are expected to uphold a high standard of behaviour and to treat other guests, staff and speakers with courtesy and respect.
Attendees are expected to comply with all reasonable instructions from SETTCA staff or officials appointed by the institute. SETTCA staff are expected to be diligent, professional and courteous at all times. However, if you have a complaint regarding staff behaviour please contact us.
Aggressive, discriminating, disrespectful or otherwise inappropriate behaviour by any member, guest or other attendee will not be tolerated.
SETTCA event attendees are not permitted to distribute literature or marketing materials within SETTCA without prior written authorization by the institute.